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Author: kevinphillips

2026 Oceania & Australian Open & Youth Championships NoR

Tas ILCA have posted the 2026 ILCA Oceania & Australian Open & Youth Championship Notice of Race along with Online Entry on the Event Page below:

2026 ILCA Oceania & Australian Open & Youth Championship – Event Page

The Event Page also has charter boat contacts, transport and accommodation information, coach, and support boat registration.

In particular sailors and teams who wish to use Spirit of Tasmania should consider booking early for greater choice of sailings.

Along with the nationals, RYCT have their pre-Christmas Showdown regatta that sailors may be interested in. The NoR for this event is Here.

Tas ILCA and RYCT are looking forward to welcoming all down to Hobart for these Championships.

2025 Oceania & Australian Masters Results


Over 100 boats lined up for the 2025 Masters at Westernport (27 ILCA 7s, 80 ILCA 6s and 6 ILCA 4s) sailed 21-24 February at Westernport YC, Victoria.


On day one no race started with the tide velocity at times exceeding the wind. Conditions after that ranged from excellent ranging up to challenging allowing PRO Col Dods to run three races per day so 9 of the scheduled 10 races were completed. WYC did a fabulous job on the water and for the several social events which were much appreciated by all the sailors.


There was great racing in all the fleets and some fabulous rides across the reaches and with some decent wind and wave waves down the runs.


The final results for the event are Here.


Photos will be available with links to be posted shortly.

2026 Australian Championships Hobart Planning

The next Oceania & Australian Open & Youth Championships will be held at Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania Hobart 1-8 January 2026.

The NoR will be posted soon on the Event Web Site Here.

For sailors planning to tow trailers across then Spirit of Tasmania bookings are open for the period Here. 

TAS ILCA is currently in discussion with one of the freight companies transporting across Bass Strait.  If you are planning to to send boats to RYCT by container please advise TasILCA President Edward Fader by the email below of the number and size. He may be able to provide contact and support for making these arrangements.



2025 Oceania & Australian Masters 21-24 Feb

Entries are now open Here for the 2025 Oceania & Australian Masters Championships 21–24 February at Westernport Yacht Club Balnarring Beach, Victoria.

To encourage growth in the ILCA 4 division, a special entry fee of AUD120 is provided.

The Notice of Race is Here.

Charter boats are available through Martin Sly (contact Martin at and NB Sailsports order online Here.

This is the Australian ranking event for the 2025 ILCA World Masters 19-28 September Formia, Italy.  Unfortunately ILCA International is not as advanced as us and does not currently offer ILCA 4 in Masters Worlds however ILCA 4 Masters sailors can gain a ranking for ILCA 6 World Masters in Formia sailing ILCA 4 in Westernport.

A pre-regatta coaching clinic with lead Olympic winning coach Jon Emmett will be held at Westernport Yacht Club on the Tuesday and Wednesday before the Australian Masters championship on the 21 February.  Click Here to register.

For additional information on Jon please visit Jon Emmett Sailing Here.

2025 Women’s Regatta Vaucluse YC 22 March

The fabulous 2025 Women’s Regatta will be held on 22 March at Vaucluse Yacht Club (VYC) on Sydney Harbour.

The Regatta is being run by VYC with support from ILCA NSW & ACT and major sponsors Zhik and Performance Sailcraft.

There will be a full day of activities kicking off at 8.30 with yoga on the deck, followed by a breakfast, sailing workshops at 10:00. Racing will be from 13:00 with the prizegiving at 17:30 and concluding with a cocktail reception with a guest panel from 18:00.

The event is open to all women ILCA sailors and there will be prizes for age categories.
This event is run in conjunction with the Helly Hansen Women’s Challenge and the Manly Yacht Club. The Green Fleet will race as a part of the Helly Hansen Women’s Challenge (HHWC) organised by Manly Yacht Club.

Entries Here  are $75 and $50 for U18 and students.

The Notice of Race with all the details is Here.

The Event Web Site is Here.

Jon Emmett Masters Coaching Clinic Westernport


20 ILCA Master sailors will be offered the opportunity to be coached by Jon Emmett, former world champion & Olympic gold medalist coach of the 2012 Laser Radial winner ‘Golden Lily’.

Jon is running a pre-regatta coaching clinic at Westernport Yacht Club on the Tuesday and Wednesday 18-19 February before the Australian Masters championship on the 21 February.

For additional information click Here. For more about Jon please visit Jon Emmett Sailing Here.

Click Here to register.

ILCA Handbook 2025 Now Available

The ILCA Handbook which contains all you want to know about the class. It is online Here.

It is updated annually and contains Class Rules, Constitution, Organisation and Contacts, Age Policy, Measurement Information, Technical Tips and World Championships Results Archive.

This 2025 edition contains an informative column by ILCA President Tracy Usher on the state of the class and how it has achieved full control over the class’ design rights and builders manual to ensure its future.

2025 Oceania & Australian Youth & Open Championships RQYS Wrap

ILCA 6 Action Mara Stransky Leads Evie Saunders & Hugo Ralph Photo by Spikey Mikey

The Oceania & Australian Youth & Open Championships was held at Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Manly Queensland 1-8 January 2025. The event saw 223 boats in the three ILCA classes sail in five fleets competing all 12 scheduled races in mostly variable sea breeze conditions. The first day saw very strong SE winds with the second race of the day abandoned when a 35 knot front moved over the course. There races were scheduled on the second day with PRO Col Dods keen to get back onto the regatta schedule. This day proved to be the toughest of the regatta.
Days 3 to 6 were sailed in predictable moderate seas breeze conditions allowing the event to proceed like clockwork give or take a few general recalls.

Almost all the top Australian ILCA sailors were competing along with sailors from 10 other countries in Oceania, North America, Europe and Asia regions. In particular It was great to see eight sailors from New Zealand and representatives from Samoa and Fiji competing. The story of two special Pacific Island Olympic sailors is outlined in an ILCA Oceania press release Here.

Action a Plenty in the ILCA 4s at RQYS

It was great to see the large number of ILCA 4 sailors. ILCA 4s were the largest class with 92 entries (47 females) sailing for the first time in two fleets. In a close contest they were lead home by Tinaroo Queenslander Breanne Wadley RQYS/TSC from Victorian Callum Simmons SSCBC/IHYC who was first Under 18 and Singaporean Ian Goh. First Under 16 was overall 4th placed WA sailors Thomas Cooper RFBYC/FSC.

The ILCA 6s had 85 entries sailing in two fleets. They were dominated by the top women sailors with 8 of the top 10 and all of the top 6 places filled by women. The clear winner was RQYS and Tokyo Olympic representative Mara Stransky. Mara overcame a F3 race retirement due to a second Rule 42 infringement with a strong finish to win from Marseille Olympic representative WA’s Zoe Thomson RFBYC. NSW Manly YC sailor Evie Saunders won three races to finish 3rd and was first Under 21. NSW sailors Healy Ryan DBSC/HHSC was first Under 17 and first male at 7th place. First Under 19 was WA’s Jasper Stay RFBYC/FSC.

Hamish Gilsenan Leads Mike Wilson in ILCA 7

The ILCA 7s fleet of 46 podium was dominated by WA sailors with four of the top six from that state. Zac Littlewood RFBYC won after a first place in the final heat. Zac received a second yellow flag in the first race of the final day setting the scene for a nail biting finish with Netherlands Olympic sailor Duko Bos. Zac’s win in Race 12 got him across the line on a countback. Ethan McAulay RPYC who had beaten Zac and Duko in the lead up event Sail Melbourne was well placed until a second yellow flag in Race 9 forced him to withdraw from that race. Ethan finished 3rd. WA sailors Stefan Elliott-Shircore FSC and Michael Compton SoPYC/FSC completed the WA domination with NSW sailor Finn Alexander RSYS/DBSC completing the podium places. First Under 21 in the ILCA 7s was Isaac Schotte RQYS.

The Battens Trophy for the best performing state returned to WA where it has resided for most of its life since 1975. Victoria in 2023 and Queensland in 2024 interrupted the line however the fabulous strength of the WA ICLA 7 team carried the day in 2025.

Winners are Grinners – Battens Winning Team

The next ILCA Australian & Oceania Open & Youth Championships will be held at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania 1-8 January 2026. Information on this event is in a post on our web site Here.

The full results of the event are Here.
All the event details are on the competitors page on the RQYS web site Here.
RQYS event photos are Here.
There is a more detailed wrap on he event by Andrew Stransky Here.

ILCA 4 Solidarity Program 2025

Seven selected ILCA 4 female sailors one from each Australian state and one from New Zealand gained a transformative experience for their young sailing careers through participation in the ILCA Oceania Solidarity program at the Oceania and Australian Open and Youth Championships 1-8 January at RQYS Manly Queensland.

The girls were selected from many applicants by their ILCA district and provided free entry by Queensland ILCA, a new ILCA 4 boat for the series and merchandise by PSA, two top coaches and support equipment provided by Australian Sailing.

As with previous years Solidarity Program participants they formed a tight knit group and gained maximum advantage of the opportunity to transition and advance in the ILCA 4 class and gain additional skills, experience, and confidence to pursue their passion for sailing.

Thanks to the donners of logistics for this program and to John d’Helin (President of ILCA Victoria) for bringing this initiative to life and work to make it thrive.

The seven sailors from the 2025 program pictured above were;

Lucy Luxford, Charteris Bay Yacht Club (NZ)
Evie McGuire, Southport Yacht Club/ Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron (QLD)
Amelia Thorne, Hunters Hill Sailing Club (NSW)
Alexandria Ewart, Davey’s Bay Yacht Club (VIC)
Genivieve Strutton, Royal Yacht Club Of Tasmania (TAS)
Sophia Homes, Brighton & Seacliff Yacht Club (SA)
Robin Mary Tutty, Hillary’s Yacht Club/Royal Perth Yacht Club (WA)

2026 Open & Youth Championships RYCT Hobart

For longer term planning the 2026 Oceania & Australian and Open & Youth Championships will be 1-8 January 2026 at  the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania in Hobart.

As always sailors will be made very welcome and experience great sailing conditions. Sailors and their supporters can also enjoy some of Australia’s best tourist venues before or after the event. You can get the picture in the short promo video Here.

It is best to plan well ahead for events in Tassie as it is a very popular destination especially around Christmas and New Year. ILCA Tasmania have set up a special page on the RTCT web site Here which will have all the information on the event.

Oceania & Australian Open & Youth Championships Information

The 2025 Oceania & Australian Open & Youth Championships will be held at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Manly Queensland  between 1-8 January 2025.

Racing will start on Thursday 2nd  January with the practice race. From Friday 3rd until Wednesday 8th January two races back to back are scheduled 12 races in all. The ILCA 4 (91 entries) and the ILCA 6 (87 entries) will both be sailed with split fleets. The ILCA 7s (44 entries) will sail as a single fleet.

The Regatta Competitor Page with links to all information is Here

You can joint the Whatsapp Group Here to receive notification on your mobile when a notice is posted

Competitor List is Here

Sailing Instructions are Here

Notice of Race is Here

RQYS Video will be posted Here

RQYS Weather and rigging area webcam are Here

BoM MetEye (Peel Island) 7 day 3 hourly forecasts are Here

AusILCA AGM will be held at 0900 on 5 January at RQYS Agenda is Here

Matt Wearn AIS Male Athlete of 2024

At the AIS Awards Ceremony Casey Imeneo, Alistair Murray, Grae Morris, Matt Wearn and Emma Plasschaert

At the top of sport, and not just sailing – Matt Wearn OAM and Grae Morris were celebrated at the 2024 Australian Sports Performance Awards held in Melbourne 11 December 2024. Matt was up against Olympic champions Cameron McEvoy (Swimming Australia) and Keegan Palmer (Skate Australia) in the prestigious Male Able-Athlete of the Year category.

Men’s Windsurfing Olympic silver medallist, Grae Morris was a finalist for Emerging Athlete of the Year an award won by Arisa Trew for her impressive skateboard gold medal winning performance at Paris 2024.


2025 National Championships On Time Entries Close 14 December


The 2025 Oceania & Australian Open & Youth Championships will be held at the Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Manly Queensland  between 1-8 January 2025.

The Notice of Race for this event is Here.

Entries prior to 14 December $450 can be placed Here. After this date entries may be lodged with a $100 late fee.

The Regatta Competitor Page with links to race documents, entry, venue information and WhatsApp Chat Group for notifications of new information is Here.

Charters are available from NB Sailsports Performance Sailcraft Australia and Devoti Sailing.

This event is the qualifying event for Australian sailors applying for entry to any 2025 ILCA World Open and Youth Championships.

ILCA Australia AGM 5 January 2025 at RQYS

Ahoy folks, the AGM of ILCA Australia Inc. will be held at Royal Queensland Yacht Squadron Brisbane at 9.00am AEST 5th January 2025.

The Agenda, Special Resolutions and Executive Reports for the meeting are Here.

Minutes of 2024 AGM in Adelaide are Here.

Come along, hear how the class is being administered and have your say.

There will be a Zoom hook up available. Details are in the Agenda.


Mikael Lundh New AS National ILCA 6 Squad Coach

Mikael Lundh has been appointed by Australian Sailing as Australian National ILCA 6 Squad Coach. The role was previously a shared coaching leadership of Carolijn Brouwer and Ben Walkemeyer.

The full details of the new appointment are in the AS Press Release here.

The ILCA 6 squad comprising Casey Imeneo, Evie Saunders, Mara Stransky, Elyse Ainsworth, and Zoe Thomson are currently following the Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane circuit of big ILCA events culminating in the ILCA Oceania & Australian Open and Youth Championships at RQYS 1-8 January 2025.

2025 ILCA Oceania Solidarity Program Representatives Announced

ILCA Oceania is delighted to announce the following sailors have been selected by their district as the Solidarity representative for 2025 program run during the 2025 Oceania & Australian Open & Youth Championships at RQYS 1-8 January.

ILCA District Name Club Sailing History
QLD Evie McGuire Southport YC Optimists
NSW/ACT Amelia (Millie) Thorne Hunters Hill SC Optimist, Flying 11
VIC Alexandria Ewart Davies Bay YC Pacer
TAS Genevieve Strutton Royal YC of Tasmania Optimist, Int Cadet
SA Sophia Homes Brighton & Seacliff YC Optimists
WA Robyn Mary Tutty Hillary YC Minnows
NZ Lucy Luxford Charteris Bay YC Optimist, P class
Solomon Is Renee Baragamu Solomon Is Sailing Ass Optimists

This program encourages young female sailors (ages 13-16) to participate in a world-class sailing championship and aims to foster a lasting love for sailing among young girls and support their development within the sport.

This is the third year of the program and already some participants have transitioned to the ILCA 6 and participated in subsequent State & National events.

This year local builder PSA have come on board and very generously will provide charter boats and merchandise for all the sailors. Australian Sailing are also providing much appreciated support for the program.

Thanks to the ILCA districts for their support, and for managing the selection process.

The full ILCA Oceania Press Release is Here.